ICPA - 2010

16th International Conference on Perception and Action
Ouro Preto - Brazil - 2011

Ouro Preto


      Ouro Preto, in the state of Minas Gerais, is famous for its colonial architecture. It was the first city in Brazil to be declared a "Historical and Cultural Heritage of Humanity" by UNESCO. It is at an altitude of 1179 meters with an estimated population of 68,208 inhabitants (as of 2004).

» Purpose

     The 16th biannual International Conference on Perception and Action (ICPA) will provide an opportunity for researchers from multidisciplinary backgrounds to discuss issues broadly related to perception and action.

Topics typically presented and discussed at ICPA include the following:
- perception (e.g., visual, auditory, haptic and other perceptual information)
- action and coordination
- dynamical systems modeling
- event perception
- affordances
- infant perception and action
- social coordination and affordances
- speech/language perception and production
- human and animal cognition
- neurodynamics
- human factors and tool use
- robotics
- physical biology and psychology
- intentionality and issues in philosophy of mind.
- ecological physical therapy and occupational therapy

     As with previous ICPAs, long abstracts of posters accepted for presentation will be made available in book form in Studies in Perception and Action XI (published by Taylor & Francis). Abstracts of accepted oral presentations for Invited Symposia and Open Forums will be made available in the program book of ICPA16.