ICPA - 2010

16th International Conference on Perception and Action
Ouro Preto - Brazil - 2011

Ouro Preto


      Ouro Preto, in the state of Minas Gerais, is famous for its colonial architecture. It was the first city in Brazil to be declared a "Historical and Cultural Heritage of Humanity" by UNESCO. It is at an altitude of 1179 meters with an estimated population of 68,208 inhabitants (as of 2004).

» ICPA 16 - Call for late poster submissions

We are still accepting submissions for poster presentations to be included in the conference program (not in the poster book). Please send your late poster submissions as a Word document (.doc, not .docx) to icpa16@gmail.com by Monday, April 25, 2011. You may use the same e-mail address to contact us with any questions or concerns.

Email message

Subject/Title of your email message should read as follows:
"icpa16_lateposter_(the name of the contact person)"
(e.g., "icpa16_open_mace")

Note: Once you submit your proposal you should keep the same subject/title whenever you contact the organizers regarding the open forum. Please include contact details (names, affiliations, postal addresses, telephone and fax numbers, email addresses) of speaker(s) in the message and indicate which should be the contact person if there is more than one author.

Please indicate two or three topics listed in the purpose of the conference that are most relevant to your presentation.

Attached file

The title of the attached file should read as follows:
"icpa16_lateposter_(the name of the contact person).doc"
(e.g., "icpa16_lateposter_mace.doc").

Please use the template (downloadable from here) and include the following information in your Open Forum submission:

1. Title of presentation (maximum of ten words)
2. Name(s) of author(s), with affiliations
3. Abstract of your presentation (maximum of 300 words)
4. References: APA style
Note: References are not included in the count of the 300 word limit. All of the information in the file will appear in the program book of ICPA16.