ICPA - 2010

16th International Conference on Perception and Action
Ouro Preto - Brazil - 2011

Ouro Preto


      Ouro Preto, in the state of Minas Gerais, is famous for its colonial architecture. It was the first city in Brazil to be declared a "Historical and Cultural Heritage of Humanity" by UNESCO. It is at an altitude of 1179 meters with an estimated population of 68,208 inhabitants (as of 2004).

» ICPA 16 - Instructions for Submissions

Limits on Presentations and First-Authorships

For oral presentations (Invited Symposia & Open Forums): An individual may be the speaker a maximum of two times, and may be first author on a maximum of two talks.

For poster presentations: An individual may present a maximum of two posters, and may be the first author on a maximum of two posters.

Invited Symposia

Each symposium will be 70 minutes long and should consist of the following:

• 5 minute introductory statement by the symposium organizer at the beginning
• Three 15-minute presentations each followed by 5 minutes of questions
• 5 minute open question session at the end

Instructions for Submission

Please send submissions for Invited Symposia as a Word document (.doc, not .docx) to icpa16@gmail.com by Wednesday, February 2, 2011. You may use the same e-mail address to contact us with any questions or concerns.

Email message

Subject/Title of your email message should read as follows:

• "icpa16_symposium_(the name of the contact person)" (e.g., "icpa16_symposium_mace")

Note: Once you submit your proposal you should keep the same subject/title whenever you contact the organizers regarding the symposium.

In the body of the message, please include contact details (names, affiliations, postal addresses, telephone and fax numbers, email addresses) of organizers and speakers, and indicate who should be the contact person if there is more than one organizer. Please indicate two or three topics listed in the purpose of the conference that are most relevant to your proposal.

Attached file

The title of the attached file should read as follows: "icpa16_symposium_(the name of the contact person).doc" (e.g., "icpa16_symposium_mace.doc") Please use the template (downloadable here) and include the information requested in the template.

Open Forums

Each oral presentation for the Open Forums will be 15 minutes in length plus 5 minutes of questions.

Instructions for Submission

Please send your Open Forum submissions as a Word document (.doc, not .docx) to icpa16@gmail.com by Wednesday, February 2, 2011. You may use the same e-mail address to contact us with any questions or concerns.

Email message

Subject/Title of your email message should read as follows:
"icpa16_open_(the name of the contact person)"
(e.g., "icpa16_open_mace")

Note: Once you submit your proposal you should keep the same subject/title whenever you contact the organizers regarding the open forum. Please include contact details (names, affiliations, postal addresses, telephone and fax numbers, email addresses) of speaker(s) in the message and indicate which should be the contact person if there is more than one author.

Please indicate two or three topics listed in the purpose of the conference that are most relevant to your presentation.

Attached file

The title of the attached file should read as follows:
"icpa16_open_(the name of the contact person).doc"
(e.g., "icpa16_open_mace.doc").

Please use the template (downloadable from here) and include the following information in your Open Forum submission:

1. Title of presentation (maximum of ten words)
2. Name(s) of author(s), with affiliations
3. Abstract of your presentation (maximum of 300 words)
4. References: APA style
Note: References are not included in the count of the 300 word limit. All of the information in the file will appear in the program book of ICPA16.


There is a limit of two first authorships per person for the poster presentations. Note: The template and instructions pertain to the format of papers published in the poster book, but not to the format of posters presented at the conference. Posters presented at the conference should conform to the standards given in the Instructions for Presenters.

The procedure for poster submission will be the same as the one established for ICPA 15. In particular, for ICPA 16 authors do not submit an abstract prior to submission of the full-length poster book paper. Instead, the final, complete poster book paper is submitted; these complete papers will be peer-reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee. Since the complete paper is required up front, the deadline for the initial submission has been adjusted to be about a month later than it has been in past years. Non-native speakers of English are highly recommended to have all of the documents be proofread by a native speaker of English before submission. Submissions must be received by Wednesday, February 2, 2011. Authors will be notified of acceptance/rejection of their submission by Wednesday March 9, 2011.

Poster Submission

Please send your complete poster for your poster paper submissions as a Word document (.doc, not .docx) to icpa16@gmail.com by Wednesday, February 2, 2011. You may use the same e-mail address to contact us with any questions or concerns.

Email message

Subject/Title of your email message should read as follows: "icpa14_poster_(the name of the contact person)" (e.g., "icpa14_poster_wade")
Please include contact details of presenters in the first message and indicate which should be the contact person if there is more than one author. Please indicate two or three topics (see the page describing the purpose of the conference) that are most relevant to your poster paper.

Attached file

Please use the template (downloadable here) and include the information requested in the template. Please adhere strictly to the format of the template. Do not deviate from the margins, page sizes, formatting, line spacing, and font sizes specified in the template. If you do not need to use the Acknowledgment section please delete the heading from the template.

Tables and Figures. Refer to APA guidelines for table and figure formats. Tables and figures will be sized to fit on approximately half of a poster book page, so plan accordingly (use font sizes that will be visible, do not include tables in landscape layout, etc.). All figures must be in black/white: Color will NOT be reproduced in the book. Paste tables and figures where they will appear in the text. Paste figures as “Pictures”, not as “Word Objects.” Include a caption beneath each figure, typed directly in the Word document rather than included as part of an image—we need to be able to edit the caption if necessary.

Paper Length. Most papers will amount to 4 printed pages in the poster book. The number of words allowed will depend on how many tables/figures you include. Use the table below to determine the word count for your paper. Word counts exclude the title, authors, and affiliations, but include all other text from the first word of the introduction to the last word of the acknowledgments (or References if there are no Acknowledgements). If you use tables/figures, subtract 200 words per table/figure from the maximum number of words (1600) to determine the paper length. The Editors reserve the right to edit papers for length if necessary.

Number of Tables/Figures

Word Count

0 1600
1 1400
2 1200
3 1000