ICPA - 2010

16th International Conference on Perception and Action
Ouro Preto - Brazil - 2011

» Hotel Reservation

     We specially designed this website to facilitate hotel reservation for the conference days. You will be able to visualize the rooms and choose according to your preference and availability.

     We were able to negotiate very special rates for conference participants. You will note that the price is not a function of the type of room, but of the number of people staying in it. Although all rooms are comfortable, some are more than others! Thus, if you register early, you will have more types of rooms to choose from.

     If you are a student traveling on a tight budget, note that there are very nice two-story rooms (called Bangalos) that are specially suited for you. They accommodate up to four people and, hence, are more affordable. Get organized with your colleagues and guarantee your reservation!

» To start the reservation process, click here
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